The Naked Sermon Podcast
Every week right here, you can listen in to our latest conversation where we get real real about the sacred scriptures for the week. Voiced by pastors and organizers in the Oak Grove and Milwaukie communities, these pods have a tendency to be both grounding and to provoke new generative thinking that places our bodies and souls and hearts right in the midst of our current moment and real lives.
Wake Up, Sleeper!
Stori and Paul talk about Ephesians 5:8-14. In this passage, the Apostle Paul writes to the church in Ephesus about being children of the light. Stori and Paul share about the trouble with light/dark good/bad metaphors can have in light of racism and white supremacy. They frame the text in light of knowledge and exposing painful truths so that they can be healed.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Paul LeFeber is a former pastor and a member of Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Hard hearted and Thirsty
Jesse and Dylan dig into John 3:1-17 when Nicodemus visits Jesus. They talk about the oddity of the concept of being “born again” and how that can be used in a detrimental way to determine who is “in” as opposed to who is “out” or not a *real* christian.
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- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Who’s In and Who’s Out
Jesse and Dylan dig into John 3:1-17 when Nicodemus visits Jesus. They talk about the oddity of the concept of being “born again” and how that can be used in a detrimental way to determine who is “in” as opposed to who is “out” or not a *real* christian.
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- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Dylan Hyun is the Pastor of Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Oak Grove, Oregon.
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Testing Power
Stori and Marshall talk about Matthew 4:1-11 - The Temptation of Christ. This very influential text talks about the beginning of Jesus’s public ministry when he is drawn out into the wilderness and tempted by the devil. Stori and Marshall talk about the angle of the temptations that are offered to Jesus and how they relate to power. They discuss how power is wielded, and Stori shares how she tests whether a call to power has evil roots or not. They also encourage us to note the end of the passage where Jesus is tended to by the angels after his face off with the devil and take time for care and celebration after difficult encounters.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Milwaukie, Orego
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Back Down the Mountain
Stori and Rayah talk about the transfiguration of Jesus in Matthew 17:1-9. In this passage, Jesus takes the disciples up on a mountain and Elijah and Moses appear while God once again speaks over Jesus and calls Jesus his beloved son. Stori and Rayah discuss the disciples' response and their desire to stay up on the mountaintop with their leaders instead of going back down the mountain and to the people. They also explore Jesus’s possible frustration with the disciples' resistance to taking him at his word and how he may have felt about having to show so many signs to them.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Plucking Out Sin
Josh and Dylan sit down and discuss Matthew 5:21-27 a passage where Jesus makes some seemingly extreme statements regarding sin. Divorce is a big one both in their society and ours. Is divorce a sin that lingers forever? What even is sin? Josh and Dylan dive in and explore what it meant to Jesus and what it means for us today.
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- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Dylan Hyun is the Pastor of Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Oak Grove, Oregon.
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Fulfilling the Law by Working for Equity
Today Anna and Jesse talk about Matthew 5:13-20 when Jesus talk about how we are the salt and light and that he came to fulfill the law. A lot of people may have some trauma around the way this verse has been used by those in power. The discussion today centers around what the concepts of justice and righteousness really mean in a corrupt and broken system.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon
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A Holy Interruption (Rebroadcast)
Anna and Jesse talk about the call of Jonah and the call of the disciples, and the nature of the Kingdom of God that they are all called to proclaim (Mark 1:14-20 and Jonah 3:1-5,10). They dig into the interruption that is the Kingdom of God, and the power of naming it as Good News, even in the places where Good News feels far away.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Everyone is Being Fished for
Stori and Jules dig into Matthew 4:12-23 the story where Jesus calls disciples and tells them to be “fishers of men.” They discuss the context of the story and where it sits in the broader picture - Jesus has some people he is close to being persecuted and they wonder if he may be feeling vulnerable in that moment. They also talk about how people are being fished for and what the bait that those who are trying to catch us might be using.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon
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Disciple Discussions
Josh and Jesse dive into John 1:29-42, where John the Baptist proclaims Jesus to be the lamb of God and then Jesus acquires his first disciples. Jesse gets nerdy with the greek and breaks down the language, and Josh shares about one of his favorite biographies. They talk about what it means to be a disciple and encourage us to “launch off and do our own thing."
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- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Mysterious Magi
Anna and Rayah talk about the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:1-12. They explore this well known story and go over the traditional interpretations of the story and what parts are assumed. These “Three Kings” have a lot of unknowns about them and the dominant traditional theology around them has given us a very specific narrative that is built on a lot of presumptions. They invite us to look at the story with curiosity and reimagine some of our long held beliefs about this story and all stories we come into contact with.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Reason for the Season?
Today’s reading is Luke 2:1-14 (or any of the Gospels!). Stori and Rayah talk about Christmas in a more general way - their personal christmas histories, The War on Christmas™, capitalism, and traditions. Stori reads an excerpt from “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson.
They ask us to think about what the phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season” means and consider whether the way we celebrate Christmas reflects the life and love of Jesus Christ. Not to shame, but to breathe life and creativity into a season in which many of us feel pressured to celebrate a certain way.
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They ask us to think about what the phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season” means and consider whether the way we celebrate Christmas reflects the life and love of Jesus Christ. Not to shame, but to breathe life and creativity into a season in which many of us feel pressured to celebrate a certain way.
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Orego
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The Next Most Faithful Step
Julia and Jesse examine Matthew 1:18-25, when Joseph decided to divorce a pregnant Mary and then dreamt of an angel and changed his mind. They discuss dreams and visions during ancient times vs now and how much the social acceptability of having visions has changed. They ask us to consider - where are you being asked to step into the tension between external pressure and what your heart is telling you is right? What's the next most faithful step?
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- Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Magnificat
Today Dez and Marshall discuss Luke 1:46-55 - The Song of Mary. Otherwise known as “The Magnificat,” it is the longest dialogue by a woman in the entire New Testament. Together they explore what it might have been like to have been pregnant and giving birth under the control of the empire. Dez sees parallels in Mary and the woman giving birth in Revelation 12 and Marshall reflects on the divine feminine. They talk about mercy and hope during not only this season before Christmas, but for all time.
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- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
- Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist
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Protein, Carbs, and Baptism
Today Anna and Dylan dig into Matthew 3:1-12. In this passage, John the Baptist is baptizing people with water and prophesying about the one who would come after him and baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Dylan shares about John’s history and the possibility that he may have been raised by the Essenes, a separatist movement in the desert, and brought the practice of baptism from there. Anna talks about the barriers that John broke down and they discuss how that radical access to the divine caused disruption and upset those who were previously in control of the public’s access to God.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Dylan Hyun is the Pastor of Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Oak Grove, Oregon.
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Today Anna and Dylan dig into Matthew 3:1-12. In this passage, John the Baptist is baptizing people with water and prophesying about the one who would come after him and baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Dylan shares about John’s history and the possibility that he may have been raised by the Essenes, a separatist movement in the desert, and brought the practice of baptism from there. Anna talks about the barriers that John broke down and they discuss how that radical access to the divine caused disruption and upset those who were previously in control of the public’s access to God.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Dylan Hyun is the Pastor of Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Oak Grove, Oregon.
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The End of Days at the Beginning of the New Year
This week is the first Sunday of Advent so Julia and Josh take us into Matthew 24:36-44. They reflect on the way it seems odd to begin a new lectionary calendar with a passage that seems to be talking about the end. Julia talks about the cyclical nature of the rise and fall of empires and societies. Josh talks about how for every beginning or new thing, an old thing has to end. They both find hope in that while this passage talks about the end, it also makes way for a new beginning.
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- Julia Nielsen is the executive organizer of the Leaven Land and Housing Coalition in Portland, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Though the Earth Should Change
Today Dez and Rayah take a walk through Psalm 46 - a Psalm with strong visuals about a chaotic earth and the refuge we can find in God. They are both struck by the connection to climate change and the increasingly violent response of nature and how we might contend with nature and find hope in these times. The other scripture on the lectionary for today was Jeremiah 23:1-6 which we encourage you to check out!
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- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Importance of Listening
Jesse and Marshall discuss Isaiah 65:17-25, which is a prophetic vision of a new creation. Marshall lays the groundwork and gives the context of Isaiah. This passage talks about how the workers will reap the fruits of their labor, rather than laboring endlessly on projects that they never enjoy the benefits of. They talk about how that relates to the workers who labor here in our own country and around the world but cannot afford to enjoy the kinds of work that they do - people building grand houses for others but going home to rundown apartments, or picking organic vegetables and only being able to afford boxed mac and cheese. Jesse and Marshall talk about the importance of listening to the experiences and voices of people in these positions and finding hope there.
~Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
~Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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~Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
~Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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From Plowshares to Swords and Back to Plowshares
Today Stori and Anna talk about Isaiah 2:1-5 and Joel 3:4-12. Specifically how Joel instructs people to turn their plowshares into swords and Isaiah says to turn swords into plowshares. They discuss the tension they feel about both holding our weapons, which are at times a source of liberation, but questioning if that may be Empire wisdom and perpetuating cycles that are destructive or is it just existing wise in the world as it is? They both have an inclination toward wanting a clear answer - to use the sword or transform it - when in fact maybe both can be held as your orient yourself toward a horizon that is imagined in Isaiah.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon
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Project Turnkey
Today’s episode is a departure from our regular content and a dive into Project Turnkey. Stori gives us a breakdown of what Project Turnkey is and the team at Storyline and the local community in Clackamas County give some powerful and excellent testimony in favor of the project. To learn more about Project Turnkey, please check out it out HERE!
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Minding Your Own Cosmic Business
Dez and Julia talk about Luke 18:9-14, a parable of two people who go to the temple to pray - one is thankful they arent as bad as those around them and one simply begs for mercy for his own sins. They talk about how they both understand and relate to the ideas of mercy and grace. They also reflect on how deeply relational this passage is - by focusing on the sins of others, the first person isolates themselves, and by focusing on their own sins, the latter shows their care for how their actions affect those around them.
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- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
- Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
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Jesus Gives an Atheist-Friendly Take on Justice
Rayah and Josh dig through Luke 18:1-8 - the story of the persistent widow seeking justice from an unjust judge. They talk about what this scripture might mean and how it might be explained to an atheist. They both feel this passage is a little odd and it almost comes off as God being an afterthought so they flesh that out a bit.
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- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Layers of Healing
Stori and Jesse talk about Luke 17:11-19, a story about Jesus healing 10 men from a skin disease. Jesse gives some context about the Samaritans as well as giving an overview and brief history of leprosy. They discuss the social and moral effects of disease and how that stigmatization can divide people and push treatment further out of reach. They also talk about what reintegration after being separated means and how we should frame it- is reintegration the goal when it's with a community who cast you out? Or is there a better way to look at communities built out of resilience?
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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A Transactional Spirituality (Rebroadcast)
This week's schedules prevented a new episode, so we are rebroadcasting an old episode! Stori and Jesse dive into John 2:13-22 and the story of Jesus' cleansing of the temple. Stori breaks down some toxic masculinity associated with the text, while Jesse offers context that has implications for what it looks like to be a church that offers true spirituality as opposed to the monetized, transactional spirituality that centers our own experience and not the experience of those at margins.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Stay Thirsty, Rich Man
Today Dez and Josh go over Luke 16:19-31. This is a parable about a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus in the afterlife. Dez talks about the discomfort involved in the passage because it seems to show depictions of hell, which carries a lot of baggage for many, many people. They also talk about the socio-economic implications of the parable.
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- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Be Shrewd, the Game is Rigged
Today Stori is joined by Devin and Valerie to discuss Luke 16:1-13. A story that starts out looking like a parable many of us have heard before, takes a surprising turn with an instruction from Jesus to “make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth.”
The trio dives into this enigmatic text that seems to defy understanding and wrestle it through to share their thoughts and questions - are there times that we are called to break the rules when the game is rigged?
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The trio dives into this enigmatic text that seems to defy understanding and wrestle it through to share their thoughts and questions - are there times that we are called to break the rules when the game is rigged?
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Devin Valdivia works for an art company, drinks too much coffee, and has two cats, and is a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church.
- Valerie Valdivia is a freelance artist and illustrator, impressive book nook creator, coffee shop frequent flier, and a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church.
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In the Fold
Stori and Jesse talk about 2 scriptures today - Luke 15:1-10 and Psalm 51. They both have mixed feelings they have over this Psalm in which the author (attributed to King David) kinda gives what feels like a PR apology after he sins violently against Bathsheba and her husband. They discuss the parables of the lost sheep and coins and who those might represent. They also talk about what restorative justice might look like in our non-ideal reality.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Can I Truly Afford This?
This week Anna and Rayah dig into Luke 14:25-33 where Jesus urges his followers to count the cost of following him into his next steps. This passage is often read as a test of loyalty - those who dont give up everything arent the true believers. But is that really the point Jesus was attempting to make here?
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Transactional Relationships
Today, Dez and Marshall discuss Luke 14:1, 7-14. This is a lesser talked about passage where Jesus encourages people attending a party to have humility in their assumptions as to the importance of the attendees. He also encourages those throwing parties to not invite their friends and relatives and instead invite the poor and marginalized.
Dez and Marshall talk about transactional relationships and explore different ways of thinking about our relationships with people when they dont seem to have anything to offer us.
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Dez and Marshall talk about transactional relationships and explore different ways of thinking about our relationships with people when they dont seem to have anything to offer us.
- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
- Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Rogue Justice
Today, Sara and Rayah talk about Luke 13:10-17. In this story, Jesus breaks the Sabbath and heals a woman of a decades-long affliction and that really seems to make some of the church leadership angry. The discussion centers on rules and systems - why are some rules okay to break and how do we identify when those times come up? When do we uphold the system and when do we abolish it?
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- Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Peace Making vs Peace Keeping
Today Stori and Josh dive into Luke 12:49-56. This passage comes up a lot today, in a period of political upheaval and rise in christian nationalism - Jesus says that he came not to bring peace, but a sword, but what does that mean?
Josh talks about Pax Romana and Stori talks about peace that is enforced by those in power isnt usually true peace for those who are subjected to that power.
They discuss the ways that keeping peace may be much easier than making peace, as making peace requires division in a society where marginalized people live under the threat of violence by those in power.
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Josh talks about Pax Romana and Stori talks about peace that is enforced by those in power isnt usually true peace for those who are subjected to that power.
They discuss the ways that keeping peace may be much easier than making peace, as making peace requires division in a society where marginalized people live under the threat of violence by those in power.
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon
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The Courageous Cycle of Living (and Dying)
This week due to an unusual gap in podcaster availability, we are resurrecting (pun intended) an oldie but a goodie and fan favorite.
Pastor Anna (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) talk John 12:20-33 and the cycle and necessity of death, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or institutional, and how it feeds new life...when we have the courage to let it. Jesse tells us the anatomy of a bean (while anna was blissfully unaware that a bean has an anatomy), and how we can kill the very purpose of a bean by trying to preserve it - canning it for eternity. Jesus says, "Nope. I am not getting in the jar. I won't be canned". (Loosely paraphrased :)) When we try to eternally preserve a pristine image of ourselves or of someone we love or a place we love or a season we loved... sometimes we suffocate the new life waiting to emerge within us and around us. Its okay if your soul is troubled. That is good and holy trouble. Take courage. It is for this very reason you have come to this hour.
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Pastor Anna (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) talk John 12:20-33 and the cycle and necessity of death, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or institutional, and how it feeds new life...when we have the courage to let it. Jesse tells us the anatomy of a bean (while anna was blissfully unaware that a bean has an anatomy), and how we can kill the very purpose of a bean by trying to preserve it - canning it for eternity. Jesus says, "Nope. I am not getting in the jar. I won't be canned". (Loosely paraphrased :)) When we try to eternally preserve a pristine image of ourselves or of someone we love or a place we love or a season we loved... sometimes we suffocate the new life waiting to emerge within us and around us. Its okay if your soul is troubled. That is good and holy trouble. Take courage. It is for this very reason you have come to this hour.
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Everything is Meaningless
In today’s episode Dez and Rayah talk about Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12-14, 2:18-23. Dez shares a bit about the background of the book and the author, Kohelet (who is NOT King Solomon). They both find comfort and affirmation in the feelings the writer expresses - he seems angsty and frustrated, two emotions many christian churches discourage people from acknowledging.
Dez and Rayah talk about this passage especially in light of the many civil rights that are directly under attack by the Right and how it feels like all that work to get them was meaningless. They talk about how often framing things in the here and now vs the legacy mindset can help re-insert meaning - knowing that people are fighting for you when you’re under attack is meaningful, even if a victory doesn’t feel like it’s in sight.
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Dez and Rayah talk about this passage especially in light of the many civil rights that are directly under attack by the Right and how it feels like all that work to get them was meaningless. They talk about how often framing things in the here and now vs the legacy mindset can help re-insert meaning - knowing that people are fighting for you when you’re under attack is meaningful, even if a victory doesn’t feel like it’s in sight.
- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Our Own Transformation is an Authentic Answer to Prayer
Today Sara and Josh sit down to discuss Luke 11:1-13 and Genesis 18:20-32 - The Lord’s Prayer and a prayerful conversation between Abraham and God about Sodom and Gomorrah. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a very fraught passage that many christians use to enable their own bigotry and they take a few minutes to condemn this interpretation before they move on to their main focus - prayer.
For many Christians in our western, capitalist society prayer often turns into a formula to get the material things they want in a transactional way. Sara and Josh take prayer to a deeper place of meaning and shaping ourselves into relational beings.
They leave us with the question - For whom would you go toe to toe with the Almighty for?
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For many Christians in our western, capitalist society prayer often turns into a formula to get the material things they want in a transactional way. Sara and Josh take prayer to a deeper place of meaning and shaping ourselves into relational beings.
They leave us with the question - For whom would you go toe to toe with the Almighty for?
- Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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There Will Be Consequences
Jules and Jesse dive into Amos 8:1-12. They talk about consequences, about the problem with thinking of them in an individual sense vs a collective sense, and how that impacts the entire planet.
Does our exploitation of cheap labor, reckless usage of natural resources, refusal to curb emissions to combat climate change, etc., in fact make us unable to hear the Word of God?
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Does our exploitation of cheap labor, reckless usage of natural resources, refusal to curb emissions to combat climate change, etc., in fact make us unable to hear the Word of God?
- Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Executive Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Being A Good Neighbor
Today Stori and Adam talk about Luke 10:25-37, a story many of us are familiar with - the Good Samaritan. Adam gives a bit of context about the relationship between Jews and Samaritans. They talk a lot about not only how helping our neighbor reflects on us as individuals but also as a community and how that affects our resilience to trauma and adversity.
Adam shares a little about his work with Second Home, connecting unhoused youth with homes in their communities and he also shares an important data point - Oregon has one of the highest rates of unaccompanied homeless youth in the nation. If you are interested in finding out how to help in a profound and impactful way, please reach out to Adam.
More information about Second Home and hosting youth can be found here: and you can email Adam here: [email protected].
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Adam shares a little about his work with Second Home, connecting unhoused youth with homes in their communities and he also shares an important data point - Oregon has one of the highest rates of unaccompanied homeless youth in the nation. If you are interested in finding out how to help in a profound and impactful way, please reach out to Adam.
More information about Second Home and hosting youth can be found here: and you can email Adam here: [email protected].
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Adam Jenkins, Regional Director - E. Multnomah & Clackamas for Second Home, a branch of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
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Go Where You’re Welcome
Today Anna and Marshall take a look at Luke 10:1-11 and 16-20. Marshall shares about his experience with helping local Brazilians learn about their voting rights and power during a time of political unrest. They talk a lot about organizing and what it means to “power map” in that setting. Anna talks about her initial takeaway of “shaking the dust off your feet” as a sort of spiteful attitude vs how now she looks at it as encouragement to not carry that rejection on with you. Marshall shares about the importance of Qtips - Quit taking it personally - when presenting the message of peace. They both find a lot of joy and hope when they seek out places where they are well received and build relationships, rather than trying to force the gospel on those who aren’t ready to hear it.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Let the Dead Bury Their Dead
Today Stori and Josh talk about Luke 9:51-62 in which Jesus tells his followers to let the dead bury their dead.
Josh gives the context of the passage and that of the books of Luke and Acts. They also reflect on the tension in what seem like some very harsh lines Jesus paints in order to follow him. Josh finds some good news this time whereas Stori finds more points of reflection in the midst of tension. They invite us to reflect on where and when these instructions to let the dead care for themselves might or might not apply.
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Josh gives the context of the passage and that of the books of Luke and Acts. They also reflect on the tension in what seem like some very harsh lines Jesus paints in order to follow him. Josh finds some good news this time whereas Stori finds more points of reflection in the midst of tension. They invite us to reflect on where and when these instructions to let the dead care for themselves might or might not apply.
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Pushing Past our Problem with Paul
Sara and Rayah talk about their beefs with Paul in general and in the passage for today: Galatians 3:23-29. Paul has been used to cause great harm and oppression, but can also be a voice of liberation. Sara gives some background about Paul and the letters he is writing to the churches and Rayah talks about how this passage has been used in anti-semitic ways in previous churches they have been a part of. They both find good news in being able to look at people like Paul with a different perspective.
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- Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Key to Suffering Well: Community
Stori is joined with The Naked Sermon’s new regular host Dez to talk about Romans 5:1-5. They open up talking about the tension between being justified through faith vs by works and then spend most of the time talking about suffering.
Dez pushes back on the implied idea in this passage - that suffering always produces good results, because sometimes trauma just makes you act like a jerk. Stori talks about the distance she felt from her grief after losing her sister as a child, specifically because of scripture premises like this where she felt a need to make something positive from suffering. She reminds us that alienation from others makes it hard for suffering to produce anything good. Together Stori and Dez talk through the idea that the real key to getting a positive outcome from suffering is our connection to community.
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Dez pushes back on the implied idea in this passage - that suffering always produces good results, because sometimes trauma just makes you act like a jerk. Stori talks about the distance she felt from her grief after losing her sister as a child, specifically because of scripture premises like this where she felt a need to make something positive from suffering. She reminds us that alienation from others makes it hard for suffering to produce anything good. Together Stori and Dez talk through the idea that the real key to getting a positive outcome from suffering is our connection to community.
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Dez Valdez is a Seminary Student at Claremont School of Theology and the Youth Ministry Coordinator at Prince of Life Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon.
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The Bricks of Babel
Anna and Jesse discuss two passages today, Genesis 11:1-9 and Acts 2:1-21, that they explore as being in conversation with each other. Jesse describes how these texts have often been viewed as in conflict with each other but he has a bit of a different way of seeing them. Anna relates a story about how her kids helped her view the Tower of Babel story in a new light. Jesse talks about the danger of conformity and wanting everyone to believe, look, and speak the same way. Anna finds good news in the beauty of chaos.
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- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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What Happened to the Slave Girl?
Stori and special guest host Marshall dig into Acts 16:16-34 this week. The passage starts out with Paul and Silas relieving a slave girl of her fortune-telling abilities which leads to their incarceration. Stori and Marshall talk about how it wasn't the conversion that got people upset, it was the fact that it messed with their money and power that the real blowback began. Stori talks about a difficult aspect of the story - what happened to the slave girl after her fortune-telling abilities are gone and she is no longer of any value to the slave owners? They also talk about the jailer going from the position of being the oppressor to being liberated himself, and then becoming an agent of liberation for Paul and Silas.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Marshall Wattman-Turner is a Pastor at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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What We Need is Here
Stori and Josh talk about healing in today’s podcast about John 5:1-9. They go over the complicated relationship Christianity has with miracles and healing. Josh brings up the idea of healing having a deeper component than simply “curing” someone. Stori invites us to examine the ways we may be letting people suffer 5 feet from the resources without helping them get there.
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- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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HazMat Suits and Love Goggles
This week, SPECIAL guests Brandi Johnson and Jennifer Morris join Pastor Sara to talk about Jesus' commission in John 13:31-35 to love one another. Spoiler alert: it's a MESS. But the best, holiest kind of mess.
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- Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Brandi Johnson is the Executive Director for LoveOne Laundry in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jennifer Morris is the Executive Director for The Father’s Heart Street Ministry in Oregon City, Oregon.
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Redeeming Revelation
This week there is a content warning as Stori and Jesse dive into Revelation 7:9-17. “End times” and Revelations can be really triggering or distressing for some, so Stori invites you to care for your soul and skip this episode or turn it off if it becomes too triggering for you.
Jesse gives us the context today and gives the caveat that it would take many, many episodes to really give the book of Revelation and this passage all the context that’s really relevant. Of course, no discussion about Revelation and End Times would be complete without discussing the absolute travesty of the ‘Left Behind’ series.
As this episode was recorded on May 4th, they get a little nerdy and bring in some Star Wars comparisons!
In a book that has traditionally been a catalyst for 'hellfire and brimstone,' Stori and Jesse come away with a beautiful reimagining of empire and inclusion.
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Jesse gives us the context today and gives the caveat that it would take many, many episodes to really give the book of Revelation and this passage all the context that’s really relevant. Of course, no discussion about Revelation and End Times would be complete without discussing the absolute travesty of the ‘Left Behind’ series.
As this episode was recorded on May 4th, they get a little nerdy and bring in some Star Wars comparisons!
In a book that has traditionally been a catalyst for 'hellfire and brimstone,' Stori and Jesse come away with a beautiful reimagining of empire and inclusion.
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Antidote to Shame
Rayah and Anna talk about John 21:1-19 - a story about fishing that culminates in the fairly well known exchange with Jesus and Peter where Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loves him. Anna relates the exchange to a scene in Good Will Hunting (if you havent see it, here’s a link to the scene. TW: discussion and photos of abuse
A lot of the conversation this week centers around why we feel shame when we fail, how to repair that harm, and restore ourselves and each other back to the community.
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A lot of the conversation this week centers around why we feel shame when we fail, how to repair that harm, and restore ourselves and each other back to the community.
- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon
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Thomas Gets a Bad Rap
This week Sara and Jesse parse through John 20:19-31. This is the story of “Doubting” Thomas and they give us a lot of perspective into why that is a pretty unfair label for Thomas. Sara and Jesse also talk about the bravery of those who *weren’t* locked up in the upper room - namely Thomas and the women.
Sara invites us to reflect on the last time we felt the “I’ll believe it when I see it” vibe.
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Sara invites us to reflect on the last time we felt the “I’ll believe it when I see it” vibe.
- Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Get this Man a Colt
This week Stori and Rayah talk about Palm Sunday and Luke 19:28-40. Rayah talks a bit about the specificity of the colt vs a horse. Stori gives us a taste of the womanist interpretation of the palm branch rally in the streets.
Rayah goes off a little bit about a recent christian hate rally in Salem which you can read more about here:
Stori invites us to step outside the arena of respectability politics when the time is right - raise your voice or the rocks will cry out!
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Rayah goes off a little bit about a recent christian hate rally in Salem which you can read more about here:
Stori invites us to step outside the arena of respectability politics when the time is right - raise your voice or the rocks will cry out!
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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PDA Makes Judas Uncomfy
Anna and Josh take us through John 12:1-8 this week! Anna gives us a recap on the scripture then Josh tells us more about the social and historical context. Josh talks about the unique factor in John’s gospel - intimate relationships with some sort of physical component. He sets the scene of a fairly intimate foot massage possibly making the rest of the folks in the room uncomfortable. Anna points out that not only might it have been awkward but there was also a taboo element to the social class.
They talk about what might be missing or lacking from theology discussions when the breadth of human representation across gender, race, and class isn't present.
For Anna, the good news in this story is about taking a breath and pausing and looking around the room to find the spirit in the here and now. For Josh, the good news is a place for those who express themselves and understand the sacred or the holy through the sensual part of their life and experience, which often is rejected by western christianity.
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They talk about what might be missing or lacking from theology discussions when the breadth of human representation across gender, race, and class isn't present.
For Anna, the good news in this story is about taking a breath and pausing and looking around the room to find the spirit in the here and now. For Josh, the good news is a place for those who express themselves and understand the sacred or the holy through the sensual part of their life and experience, which often is rejected by western christianity.
- Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Prodigal Community
Sara and Stori take this week’s passage - Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32, the story of the Prodigal Son. Sara gives the context - this parable is grouped with the parable of the lost coin and the lost sheep, and it is only found in Luke. Sara also advises that parables were meant to be played with, not point to one “right” and concrete answer. Stori talks about a couple of things that this parable reminds her of - one of which is the last Star Wars movie (spoiler alert!).
Stori and Sara both talk about only fairly recently finding out the definition of the word prodigal, which is often misunderstood as “wayward.”
They leave us with a couple of questions - What is more important to follow - rules or relationship? What would it look like to love those around us the way the father loves his returning son?
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Stori and Sara both talk about only fairly recently finding out the definition of the word prodigal, which is often misunderstood as “wayward.”
They leave us with a couple of questions - What is more important to follow - rules or relationship? What would it look like to love those around us the way the father loves his returning son?
- Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
- Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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It's Complicated
Jules and Jesse work through Isaiah 55:1-9 in today’s episode.
Jesse gives the context of Isaiah - a people lamenting and longing to return to the land of Jerusalem and also hoping for that homecoming. Jules is struck by just how simple and basic the needs are that are being promised to be met - food, water, milk, and bread. Jesse talks about our privilege sometimes making it hard to empathize with being in a position of desperately needing these things. They talk about how often the focus we have is on lamenting the wrongs happening and wasting energy on them instead of doing things to fix them. Jules talks about a question that they often consider in organizing - what is the next most faithful step?
Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Jesse gives the context of Isaiah - a people lamenting and longing to return to the land of Jerusalem and also hoping for that homecoming. Jules is struck by just how simple and basic the needs are that are being promised to be met - food, water, milk, and bread. Jesse talks about our privilege sometimes making it hard to empathize with being in a position of desperately needing these things. They talk about how often the focus we have is on lamenting the wrongs happening and wasting energy on them instead of doing things to fix them. Jules talks about a question that they often consider in organizing - what is the next most faithful step?
Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Fox vs. The Hen
This week Stori and Rayah dive into the 2nd week of Lent with Luke 31-35. In this passage, Jesus talks about Jerusalem being the place where prophets go to die. Stori explores the way prophets are often looked at as simply critics, but they also must have an incredible amount of love to stay in a place where they see the flaws and still stay there with the hope that truth can change it for the better. Rayah draws some parallels between Jesus wanting to care for the people like a hen cares for her chicks and those in power not being willing, to the way the government ties the hands of those that want to help care for their neighbors who are houseless and/or in mental health crisis.
Stori sends us off with a beautiful quote from Cole Arthur Riley in This Here Flesh.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Stori sends us off with a beautiful quote from Cole Arthur Riley in This Here Flesh.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Rayah is a local community member and theology nerd in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Tempting Jesus
Anna and Josh are our hosts this week. They dig in to Luke 4:1-13, a passage that talks about the temptation of Christ and his 40 days in the wilderness. Anna talks about how those with privilege can essentially turn stones into bread and that often came at others’ expense. Josh asks - what would Jesus be like if he hadnt resisted those temptations?
In this season of Lent, they encourage us to look at what we want to move closer to, rather than what we are trying to move away from.
Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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In this season of Lent, they encourage us to look at what we want to move closer to, rather than what we are trying to move away from.
Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Story of Who I Am: The Transfiguration
Stori and Jesse talk about the transfiguration today as they cover Luke 9:28-36.
Jesse gives the context and sets the scene for the passage and Stori relates it a little to church camp. Stori and Jesse dig into the juxtaposition of Jesus showing them a moment of transition, and the disciples want to camp out in that moment of change and preserve it.
Stori shares a beautiful quote from the book Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson and they discuss how hard it can be to update our view of someone when they go through significant changes, but how beautiful it is to be able to expand our ability to see them for who they actually are, rather than keeping them in the box of how we have always seen them.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Jesse gives the context and sets the scene for the passage and Stori relates it a little to church camp. Stori and Jesse dig into the juxtaposition of Jesus showing them a moment of transition, and the disciples want to camp out in that moment of change and preserve it.
Stori shares a beautiful quote from the book Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson and they discuss how hard it can be to update our view of someone when they go through significant changes, but how beautiful it is to be able to expand our ability to see them for who they actually are, rather than keeping them in the box of how we have always seen them.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Loving My Enemies
Sara and Josh host today’s chat about Luke 6:27-38 the second half of the Beatitudes. Josh talks about how these can be applied at a social level and at a personal level.
They talk about how prayer changes the one who prays, so when praying for our enemies, it’s really changing us. Josh talks about his beloved motorcycle being stolen and how that was complicated emotionally because of the grief and anger yet still being commanded by this scripture to love those who hurt us. He also asks “how do I love my enemies wisely?”
Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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They talk about how prayer changes the one who prays, so when praying for our enemies, it’s really changing us. Josh talks about his beloved motorcycle being stolen and how that was complicated emotionally because of the grief and anger yet still being commanded by this scripture to love those who hurt us. He also asks “how do I love my enemies wisely?”
Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Blessings and Woes
Stori and Jules talk about Luke 6:17-26. In this passage we find Jesus teaching about blessings and woes.
Jules explores how a blessing is often viewed as something people can see or observe from the outside, but in Jewish tradition, blessings are interpreted more as a conduit for potential.
Stori talks about writing her mom’s eulogy and specifically avoiding the idea of feeling blessed by the community’s support because it felt too close to the toxic positivity of “too blessed to be stressed” framing.
They discuss the correlation between believing this is simple cause and effect (because I am poor, I am blessed) and the tendency to glorify, and sometimes even seek out, suffering.
They invite us to look and consider where we might find blessings that we wouldnt usually? Jules ends us on a song and a blessing.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
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Jules explores how a blessing is often viewed as something people can see or observe from the outside, but in Jewish tradition, blessings are interpreted more as a conduit for potential.
Stori talks about writing her mom’s eulogy and specifically avoiding the idea of feeling blessed by the community’s support because it felt too close to the toxic positivity of “too blessed to be stressed” framing.
They discuss the correlation between believing this is simple cause and effect (because I am poor, I am blessed) and the tendency to glorify, and sometimes even seek out, suffering.
They invite us to look and consider where we might find blessings that we wouldnt usually? Jules ends us on a song and a blessing.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Julia Nielsen is a Pastor and Sacred Organizer with Leaven Land and Housing in Portland, Oregon.
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Community is the Catch of the Day
Anna and Rayah talk about Luke 5:1-11. After a night of crappy fishing, Jesus has his disciples lower their nets one more time and they bring in a large haul. Then he tells them it’s time to be fishers of men.
Rayah talks about the context of the fishing economy and the way that economy exploited marginalized workers like the disciples before they left to follow Jesus and how radical it was for them to change their role.
Anna talks about how sometimes hoping after such a long time in a hopeless situation is a vulnerable thing to do, but it is okay to give those hidden hopes some air and bring them to life again. They also look at how this story shifts from the more individualistic “fish to provide for myself” to something much bigger and more focused on building community and relying on each other.
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Rayah talks about the context of the fishing economy and the way that economy exploited marginalized workers like the disciples before they left to follow Jesus and how radical it was for them to change their role.
Anna talks about how sometimes hoping after such a long time in a hopeless situation is a vulnerable thing to do, but it is okay to give those hidden hopes some air and bring them to life again. They also look at how this story shifts from the more individualistic “fish to provide for myself” to something much bigger and more focused on building community and relying on each other.
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Nazareth Isn't Ready for That Conversation
Sara and Jesse host this week's conversation around Luke 4:21-30. In this story, Jesus has just quoted a passage from Isaiah and says that the scripture is fulfilled in their hearing. Shortly after this, the people in the synagogue were enraged and Jesus was chased out.
Jesse stresses that this scripture should not be used to bolster anti-Semitism - this isn't about Jews not understanding Jesus and Gentiles did. It’s about how those in his hometown have trouble seeing him in a new light.
Sara talks about how when someone says something that she knows isn't true, it isn't enraging and she can ignore it. When it has an element of truth, however, that's when it can trigger the outrage, which is probably what we are seeing with the reaction to what Jesus says in this passage.
Sara also leaves us with a challenge - If there is nothing in the words you are hearing in your day to day life that isn't somewhat agitational, we need to be exposing ourselves to some gospel.
Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Jesse stresses that this scripture should not be used to bolster anti-Semitism - this isn't about Jews not understanding Jesus and Gentiles did. It’s about how those in his hometown have trouble seeing him in a new light.
Sara talks about how when someone says something that she knows isn't true, it isn't enraging and she can ignore it. When it has an element of truth, however, that's when it can trigger the outrage, which is probably what we are seeing with the reaction to what Jesus says in this passage.
Sara also leaves us with a challenge - If there is nothing in the words you are hearing in your day to day life that isn't somewhat agitational, we need to be exposing ourselves to some gospel.
Sara Gross Samuelson is a Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Body of Christ
This week Stori and Josh discuss 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a where Paul talks about the body of Christ. Stori talks about how this body metaphor can show something that is really important - when there is an infection or a broken bone, the entire body is affected and thus the entire body has a vested interest in healing - sometimes in the metaphorical body, that can be hard to remember.
Josh brings up the idea that this can not only be a metaphor about the body of Christ within the church, but also the whole of creation as the body. How all of creation is connected and important to the whole. All the parts are needed and vital.
They throw in a bit about Luke 4:14-21 and a bit about the irony of such an embodied and physical faith being so focused on the afterlife. Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory also gets an honorable mention.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Josh brings up the idea that this can not only be a metaphor about the body of Christ within the church, but also the whole of creation as the body. How all of creation is connected and important to the whole. All the parts are needed and vital.
They throw in a bit about Luke 4:14-21 and a bit about the irony of such an embodied and physical faith being so focused on the afterlife. Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory also gets an honorable mention.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Josh Kingsley is Pastor at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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The Gifts of The Spirit
This week Stori and Rayah talk about 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and the gifts of the Spirit. Rayah comes from traditions that often overspiritualized everything while Stori's faith background included a more concrete and "under spiritualized" lens. When coming to a scripture that details healing, tongues, and prophesy, that can mean very different things! They go over some of the ways that certain gifts tend to sit higher up on a hierarchy and be glorified more than others and how harmful that can be. They found good news in there being an important place and role for each of us and that there is room for seeing things through news lenses.
Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Rayah Dickerson is a community member and activist in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Stori Long is a Pastor and Social Media Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Rayah Dickerson is a community member and activist in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Being the Beloved
Jesse and Anna use Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 and Isaiah 43:1-7 to explore what being “claimed” by God might mean or look like. Is it possession and ownership or might it be something deeper or more nuanced? Is it one-sided or mutual?
These scriptures clearly bring up the theme of baptism, but both Anna and Jesse find the idea of claiming or being claimed by God ties to the end of life and memorials. Anna brings up a scene from the movie “Dont Look Up” (*spoiler alert!*) and how it relates for her. Jesse recommends a song “How deep is that river” by Mason Jennings that resonates with the passages from today.
Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is a Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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These scriptures clearly bring up the theme of baptism, but both Anna and Jesse find the idea of claiming or being claimed by God ties to the end of life and memorials. Anna brings up a scene from the movie “Dont Look Up” (*spoiler alert!*) and how it relates for her. Jesse recommends a song “How deep is that river” by Mason Jennings that resonates with the passages from today.
Anna Hoesly is a Co-Pastor and Organizer at Storyline Community in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Jesse Christopherson is a Pastor at Milwaukie Lutheran Church in Milwaukie, Oregon.
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Mary, the enduring embodiment of the gospel
For the 4th week of Advent Stori and Rayah host the conversation around Luke 1:46-55 - The Magnificat or Song of Mary. Stori and Rayah reflect on a shared church history of sidelining or downplaying Mary. Rayah talks about how Mary’s song isnt just a quoting of the prophets or learned scriptures, but an embodied song of hope in her own words. Stori talks about the beauty and heartbreak of Mary’s resilient, enduring presence throughout the entire gospel story.
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Joy is Not An Incident
For the 3rd week of Advent Sara and Jules host the conversation around Luke 3:7-18 and include a bit about Philippians 4:4-7. Jules talks about the difference between happiness and joy. Joy has to do with enoughness, gratitude, and thankfulness. Sara shares about her grandmother’s affect before she passed away while on hospice and reflects on seeing that deep, abiding joy in her.
They ask - in this season, where is that deep, hard joy showing up? And what can you choose to help it to arrive?
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They ask - in this season, where is that deep, hard joy showing up? And what can you choose to help it to arrive?
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Good news always starts in the margins
Our discussion this week is hosted by Anna and Josh. In Luke 3:1-6 we hear about John, son of Zechariah (aka John the Baptist) preaching and fulfilling a prophecy from Isaiah about preparing the way of the Lord. Josh talks about how this reminds him that even Jesus didn't do it alone, the way was prepared before him. Anna talks about trauma informed care in regards to church community in Storyline and how that can often mean slowing down and being still. Sometimes the dark, slow places are not bad places to be, but more like wombs to grow and heal in. The good news is that slowness is not a compromise, it is sacred.
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Good news always starts in the margins
This week our conversation is hosted by Pastor Stori of Storyline and Pastor Jesse Christopherson of Milwaukie Lutheran. We kick off the first week of Advent with Luke 21:25-36. Together Jesse and Stori talk about how the baseline for “good news” must start with the marginalized and that often when you are in the seat of privilege, good news first starts out feeling like a loss. That doesnt mean it isnt good news, it just means we probably arent looking at it from the right angle - from the margins.
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The reign of Christ and Co-suffering love
Description: This week our conversation is hosted by Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline) and Pastor David Eppelsheimer (Community of Christ Church). They dive into Isaiah 9:2-7 and talk about the Reign of Christ. They discuss the ways that Empire and the whole idea of "reign" will look drastically different in the light of Christ. David brings up the way Jesus co-suffers with us. The good news in all of this is that the mighty God is planning grace.
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The End of Empire, the Birth of a New Story
Stori (Storyline Pastor) and Rayah (community activist) host today's discussion of Mark 13:1-8. In this passage, Jesus talks about the destruction of buildings and the temple. Stori paints the scene and gives details about the days and weeks leading up to this conversation. Rayah talks about the parallels of the systems of injustice in Jesus’s day and today with policing in America and the exploitation inherent in capitalism. They also talk about their shared history of being youth in the days that the “Left Behind” books were popular and how that affected their worldview. In the end, the encouragement is to link arms with your neighbors and usher in the end of Empire and the birth of a new story.
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Sitting in Sacred sadness
This week's chat is hosted by Storyline Pastor Anna Hoesly and Sacred Organizer Amira Stanley. The main story in John 11:32-44 is about Lazarus being raised from the dead. Why did Jesus do that? Why did Jesus let him die in the first place? Anna asks some pointed questions and guides the conversation to the beauty of Jesus sitting in sadness with the community. Amira brings in some beautiful words from Isaiah 25:6-9 and also shares some of the pain and the “shroud” that has been heavy for her.
At the end, Amira guides us on a short meditation and Anna leaves us with the idea that grief can be a sacred gift.
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At the end, Amira guides us on a short meditation and Anna leaves us with the idea that grief can be a sacred gift.
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The "Greatest Commandment" but not the easiest
Our hosts today are Pastor Julia Nielsen (Leaven Land and Housing) and Pastor Josh Kingsley (King of Kings in Milwaukie). They explore Mark 12:28-34 and talk about love. Both share some of the ways that love is complicated and confusing. They also discuss impact vs intent and the ways that concept plays out. Julia asks “What would your life look like and be like if you did focus entirely on loving God and neighbor? What would change? And is that even a life that you would want?” Josh encourages us to reflect on what gets in the way- what gets in the way of love when it happens?
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Honoring agency and seeing those in the margins
This week's chat is hosted by Pastor Anna Hoesly of Storyline and Pastor Jesse Christopherson of Milwaukie Lutheran. Mark 10:46-52 is the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar. Though it seems fairly simple, Jesse and Anna uncover some often overlooked nuance in the text. Jesse explains the significance of one's cloak in their social setting and why that is worth considering. Anna shares how she finds Jesus recognizing and honoring the agency of Bartimaeus - he doesnt assume, he asks what Bartimaeus wants. They also caution against the idea that perfect faith equals perfect health and healing.
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Letting go of systems of power
Description: Stori (Storyline Pastor) and Rayah (community activist) host today's discussion of Mark 10:35-45 and Isaiah 53:4-12. In Mark, James and John decide they want to secure their positions at Jesus's sides. This story often feels like some power-hungry punks moving in to secure their spots. Flipping over to Isaiah, an oft quoted passage seems to point directly to the future suffering of Jesus. But maybe there is some room to imagine these stories differently and stretch our understanding.
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It's Okay if everything is not Okay
Sacred Organizer Amira Stanley and Pastor Julia Nielsen work through an uncomfortable passage: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15. Julia gives a bit of history and context for Amos. Unlike some of the more well-known prophets, Amos doesn't seem to give the people much hope. Being involved in community work means that there are going to be some losses and times of grief. Amira reminds us to approach these times in a way that is loving to ourselves. They reflect on the need to sit in the discomfort of what's happening now without rushing to "but everything will be okay!"
Amira asks - What area of your life needs a little more nurturing and a little more focus?
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Amira asks - What area of your life needs a little more nurturing and a little more focus?
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10/3/2021 Sabbath
Our contributors are taking a sabbath Sunday this week. Tune in next week to hear from Rev. Julia Nielsen and Amira Stanley! And if you find yourself here now, peak around and see if there is a title that grabs you that you may have missed from our previous weeks!
9/26/2021 Finding God in the Community
This week Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson and Sacred Organizer Amira Stanley discuss Mark 9:38-50. The beginning of the passage starts with the disciples trying to stop some folks that were casting out demons because they weren't with Jesus's group. Amira reflects on her work within activism and the ways that people often put stumbling blocks in front of each other because they aren't doing it "right," when really, it's just that they're doing it differently. They discuss how God works in all sorts of ways and that can be challenging to see. Sara asks the community to reflect on the question - Where do you see God in the community? and if you don't see God, why is that?
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The Pain of Prophecy and Defiant Hope
This week Pastor Anna Hoesly and community activist Rayah Dickerson dig into Jeremiah 11:18-20 and James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a. They explore the levels of trauma - this isnt just about the pain of one particular prophet - Jeremiah's pain comes from being betrayed while speaking the truth about community trauma. Pulling in the James texts lends insight as to what can happen when trauma and harms are brushed over in the name of peacemaking instead of revealed - an internal spiral of focus rather than a path toward healing. The reality is that you cannot have true peace when people are being harmed or are suffering alone. Speaking the truth about difficult things gives us the chance to address harms and heal by giving us a tangible place to begin.
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The Suffering Servant is Just One Part of the Story
This week Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline) and Pastor Jesse Christopherson of Milwaukie Lutheran talk through Isaiah 50:4-9a and Mark 8:27-38. Suffering can be confusing and complicated - Sara and Jesse wrestle through it and then get down to the simplicity of the bottom line - stuff happens, dont be ashamed of it, it's a part of your story. Bonus - Harry Potter parallels and a nod to the Dark Side of Star Wars.
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The Intimacy of Creation, The Art of Seeing
This week Pastor Anna Hoesly and Sacred Organizer Amira Stanley talk the poetry of Song of Songs 2:8-14 and the woman's voice being highlighted here. Poetry, like scripture, can be interpreted in many different ways, so they describe the danger of ascribing "rightness" to one specific understanding of this poetry. They talk the intimacy of creation, the power and discomfort of sensuality and sexuality as it intersects with our faith, and the art of seeing and connecting with the world and people around you and with yourself.
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A Difficult Teaching
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline) and activist, podcaster, mental health advocate Rayah Dickerson dig into Ephesians 6:10-20 and John 6:56-69 talk liberation, power, truth, and shedding of the lies of the empire that are used to control, manipulate and convince us into thinking that we only need to look out for ourselves and not our neighbors.
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Into The Ever
Pastor Jesse and Pastor Anna "dig in" (kinda literally) into a common and confusing metaphor often used in the Bible, Jesus as the living bread. We say this often and just "accept" it as a metaphor without ever truly exploring what it actually means for us in reality and what is actually being offered to us in our day-to-day.
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Embodied Bread
Pastor Josh Kingsley of King of Kings Lutheran Church and Stori (Storyline Community) talk John 6 and 1 King 19:4-8. They dig into the political and social climates of Elijah and Jesus context, the implications of what it means for us to embody the work of Jesus, and the sometimes heavy and exhausting work of liberation.
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On The Ritual of Receiving
Rev. Sara (Storyline) and Rev. Jules Nielsen (Leaven Land and Housing) talk Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15 and John 6:24-35t along with the uncomplicated but difficult ritual of receiving and trusting the provision of a God who shows up for us, over and over again.
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On Narratives of Abundance
Pastor Jesse (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Stori Long explore narratives of abundance as they appear in 2 Samuel 11:1-15 and John 6:1-21. They explore the nature of true abundance, what it's made of and what it's not.
Content warning for this episode, because we talk about the story of David and Bathseba, there is very brief discussion of sexual assault- this is not the majority of the content but nor did we want to brush over it in this story.
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Content warning for this episode, because we talk about the story of David and Bathseba, there is very brief discussion of sexual assault- this is not the majority of the content but nor did we want to brush over it in this story.
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Brick by Brick: On Finding and Building Your Spiritual Home
Pastor Anna and our newest Storyline staff member and sacred organizer, Amira Stanley, go deep, concrete, and spiritual depth into a Samuel passage. They talk about temples, houses, and land, and the relevancy of this scripture in our work of providing secure housing for all neighbors and not losing what's really important in the pursuit of what we may believe is most important. And they share how they themselves have felt like spiritual wanderers without security and how that shapes our spiritual journey and relationship with the church and the divine.
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What's My Role Again?: On Choosing Sides in the Cycle of Justice
This Sunday Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) and our new voice, Rev. Josh Kingsley (King of Kings Lutheran Church) dive into Amos 7:7-15 and Mark 6:14-29 and talk the apparent binary of how to exist in the world (and the nuance we often miss), the competing powers that demand our allegiance, our call to active participation in the kingdom of God (and why we sometimes ignore it), and why, sometimes, it's important for us to pick a side in the cycle of justice.
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Prophetic Agitation and the Dangers of Nationalism
Stori Long (Storyline Community) chats with special guest, activist, podcaster, and agitator Rayah Dickerson. They get together to discuss Mark 6:1-13 and Ezekiel 2:1-5. They talk about the agitating voice of prophets, the dangers of nationalism, and what it means to work for universal freedom, and not just freedom for "me."
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When the Gospel Doesn't Sound Like Good News
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson and Stori Long gathered got together for the first time to discuss Mark 5:21-43 and Lamentations 3:22-33. They talk about the baggage that the stories of "healing" in Scripture can carry and what it feels like when the gospel just doesn't sound like good news, and how we can reframe those stories to center around lament, hope, and collective healing for all.
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Break rank and dabble in the messy goodness of reconciliation
Check out our first podcast of the summer with Rev. Julia Nielsen and Pastor Anna Hoesly. Julia is a good friend from Portsmouth Union Church in Portland and a co-worker in the good work of the Leaven Land and Housing Coalition. We talk about 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 and the messy good rich work of reconciliation and how we know it when see it. Jules and Anna talk about their own stories of being caught in old and stuck patterns of relationship and that ginger moment of dipping our toe into trying on honesty, in an act of hope in what could be.
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In the Communion of Bones
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) and Rev. Jules Nielson (Portsmouth Union Church) talk about the threshold between death and new life- a space of dry bones and what the process of breathing life looks like. What kind of relationships, communities, and possibilities are possible in a world that feels so dry and deathly? And whose responsibility is it to breathe life into those places?
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As It Could Be
Pastor Jesse and Pastor Sara are teeing us up for Pentecost with their discussion of John 17:6-19. They talk about the world as it is, the world as it could be, the chaos from which new life and a new world is shaped and born, and what our role is in this transformative process.
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A Curious Kind of Love
Pastor Jesse (Milwaukie Lutheran) and Pastor Anna (Storyline Community) talk John 15:9-17 and the nature of belonging, the restful abiding that comes with being fully known and fully loved, the reciprocal nature of love and how it invites us to move closer rather than move away.
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Of Shepherds and Hired Hands
John 10:11-18
Pastor Jesse (Milwaukie Lutheran) and Stori (Storyline Community) dive into John 10:11-18 and the difference between the Good Shepherd, who cares for and loves the sheep, and the Hired Hand who just doesn't get paid enough to stick around to fight a bear (fair enough). They dig into the symbolism of shepherd, sheep, and what it means to truly belong and invest in a community that you WANT to sacrifice for.
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The Scars of Resurrection
Luke 24: 36-48
Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community) and Stori Long (Storyline Community) talk about Luke 24 and Jesus' appearance to the frightened and amazed disciples after the resurrection. The dive into the very real, grief and loss of death, the regenerative spirit of resurrection, and the scars that mark us as we move forward into the next new thing.
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Palm Sunday
Mark 11:1-11 or John 12-12-16
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson and Rev. Jesse Christopherson talk Palm Sunday along with the full spectrum of Holy Week, the way it intersects with our modern daily lives, the importance of incorporating the full breadth of this time into our stories of faith, and even how we tell the whole of the story to our kids.
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The Courageous Cycle of Living (and Dying)
John 12:20-33
Pastor Anna (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) talk John 12:20-33 and the cycle and necessity of death, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or institutional, and how it feeds new life...when we have the courage to let it.
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Loved Through Brokenness
John 3:14-21
Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Stori Long (Storyline Community) talking about John 3:14-21 and the odd symbolism of a snake being lifted up. What does this have to do with Jesus? What does this have to do with us? What does this have to tell us both about our belovedness and our brokenness? We dig into all of these questions in today's episode of the Naked Sermon Podcast!
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Transactional Spirituality
John 2:13-22
Stori Long (Storyline Community) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) dive into John 2:13-22 and the story of Jesus' cleansing of the temple. Stori breaks down some toxic masculinity associated with the text, while Jesse offers context that has implications for what it looks like to be a church that offers true spirituality as opposed to the monetized, transactional spirituality that centers our own experience and not the experience of those at margins.
Also, we get a little petty lol
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Also, we get a little petty lol
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Re:cognize (Second Sunday of Lent)
The heart of love: Making space for pain
Mark 8:31-38
Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) talk about the call Jesus extends to Peter to make space for fear, pain, and death. And how that is the actual heart of the gospel, and the heart of love.
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Re:alize (First Sunday in Lent)
Mark 1:9-15, Genesis 9
For the first Sunday of Lent, Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) the continual cycle of repentance, the work of systemic change, and the expansive love of God for all creation.
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Ash Wednesday: We Are Dust
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) usher in Ash Wednesday with this beautiful mini-episode reflection on identity, mortality, and reckoning with our own humanity.
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At The Threshold of Wilderness
Mark 9:2-9
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) look at the place and importance of threshold spaces through the lens of the Transfiguration. They talk the importance of these thresholds for us as humans, but how they cannot be where our journey ends, rather they should push us forward into the unknown places where God is calling.
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Whole-Human Healing
Mark 1:29-39
Stori Long (Storyline Community) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) talk Mark 1, what true healing looks like, and how followers of Jesus need to and have failed to, step into that space after Jesus.
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There's Good New, Actually...
Jonah & Mark 1
Pastor Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran) and Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community) talk about the call of Jonah and the call of the disciples, and the nature of the Kingdom of God that they are all called to proclaim. They dig into the interruption that is the Kingdom of God, and the power of naming it as Good News, even in the places where Good News feels far away.
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Come and Hear; Come and See
1 Samuel 3 & John 1
Pastor Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran) and Pastor Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) explore both the call of Samuel and the call of Nathaniel and Phillip, and how the way we perceive the world, the way we see, listen, and know the world around us, impacts our perception of the Divine both in the world and in those around us.
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Living into Belovedness
Mark 1:1-11
Stori Long (Storyline Community) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson recorded this on Jan. 6th- a day where the factions and divisions in our country were brought to light in a stark and dangerous way. They discuss the days events in light of Jesus' baptism, what it tells us about our own belovedness, and the hard work of reckoning with all that it means to live in our shared humanity.
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Moving Toward Epiphany
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson take a deep dive into the mystery of Epiphany Sunday, the expansive invitation illustrated by these characters from the East, and the disarming message of their presence for us today.
Also, to make your experience better, bring a bingo card for every time we make a movie/literature reference! :)
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Also, to make your experience better, bring a bingo card for every time we make a movie/literature reference! :)
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The Story that Shaped Us: Christmas Eve Special
Luke 2:1-20
We also have a very special episode of the Nake Sermon Podcast featuring so many people from our beloved communities that we partner with! On this episode Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran), Rev. Heather Riggs (Oak Grove UMC), Rev. Sara Gross Samuelson (Storyline Community), Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline), and Stori Long (Storyline Community) share some of their songs, literature, and Christmas memories that have shaped their understanding of the season, as well as reflect on the significance of the Christmas Story, both then and now.
We also have a special musical offering from local singer/songwriter Kit Taylor.
Have a listen below!
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We also have a special musical offering from local singer/songwriter Kit Taylor.
Have a listen below!
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Looking Toward Shalom
Isaiah 61:1-11
Rev. Jesse Christopherson of Milwaukie Lutheran Church and Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community) talk Isaiah 61:1-11 and the abundant diverse picture of shalom. It's a picture that might look different than we would have first imagined, but with that comes the challenge to look for God and abundance not only in the places that we are used to. But don't worry, beloved, you're more prepared for that than you think.
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Comfort, My People
Isaiah 40:1-11
Rev. Jesse Christopherson of Milwaukie Lutheran Church and Stori Long, Storytelling and Marketing Coordinator of Storyline Community, talk Isaiah 40:1-11 and the strange comfort offered there that calls us to wrestle with our mortality, our smallness, and our place in the forward movement of justice and mercy.
Forgive our brief giggle fit- Stori's cat (Bobby) makes an appearance on the video (more specifically Bobby's bottom and swishy tail- sermon prep is more fun with a cat).
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Forgive our brief giggle fit- Stori's cat (Bobby) makes an appearance on the video (more specifically Bobby's bottom and swishy tail- sermon prep is more fun with a cat).
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Living in Post-Exile World
Isaiah 64:1-9
Through the lens of the first week of Advent, Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson of Storyline and Rev. Jesse Christopherson of Milwaukie Lutheran church wade through the hope of a post-exile world. What kind of people will we be after COVID? What kind of truths and realities will we no longer be able to ignore? Where are we heading? And how do we get there?
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Eggs Served Two Ways
Matthew 25:14-30
Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) and Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran) dig into the parable of the talents, each sharing different and powerful interpretations. Is it an invitation to take risks and multiply our abundance? Is it an indictment of a system designed to protect the powerful and punish the marginalized? Have a listen and see what you think! Parables, like eggs, can be served in more ways than one.
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Justice, Community, and You
Amos 5:18-24
Follow this link for access to the conversational sermon between Rev. Sara Gross Samuelson and Stori Long, where they dig a little deeper into the context of Amos, the way different factions either sanitize the text for "politeness" or misunderstand the communal picture of justice and judgement, and what it means for us to go through the discomfort together to participate in the flow of justice.
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All Saints Sunday and The Beatitudes
Matthew 5: 1-12
In this weeks conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Pastor Sara Gross Samuelson (Storyline Community) dig into one of Jesus' most famous sermons in light of All Saints Sunday and how we misunderstand both as American's and what we can learn from them by experiencing and engaging with both as they were meant to be, and seeing them as an invitation into action and participation.
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The Game is Made Up, the Rules Don't Matter
Matthew 22:15-22
In this weeks conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community) discuss the famous interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees where a question is posed to Jesus about whether or not it was right to pay taxes to Caesar. They dig into the history and the economy of the day, the trap of control, and the way Jesus modeled how to reject the "trap" of either-or that we often find ourselves facing.
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The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Matthew 22:1-14, Isaiah 25:1-9
In this weeks conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) dig into the Parable of the Wedding Banquet, the prophet Isaiah, and the currency of God's Kingdom. They nerd out in the best possible way about the difference between allegory and parable, the way this violent text has been wielded for abuse, and the implications of God's abundant banquet.
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The Parable of the Tenant: What Do We Do With The Time That Is Given Us?
Matthew 21:33-46
In this weeks conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Paul Potter (Storyline Community) digs into the parable of the Tenants- one of the less warm and fuzzy parables, where Jesus responds to the challenge of the Pharisees about his authority. The talk about passivity in the face evil, free-will, and invite us to question of whether or not we have ever metaphorically been like the tenants, and misused the things that God has gifted us?
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The Story of the Vineyard Workers: An Apocalyptic Parable
Matthew 20:1-12
In this weeks conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) go well beyond the academic implication of Matthew 20:1-12, the Parable of the Vineyard Workers, to the real embodied truths it reveals about equality, accessibility, and the brokenness of our system that treat only some of our neighbors as fully human. They invite us to sit in discomfort, and then to ask the next question of, “Why?”
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When Unity Helps; When "Unity" Hurts
Romans 14:1-2
Romans 14:1-2
In this week's conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Stori Long (Storyline Community) talk about Paul's letter to the Romans. They talk some of the baggage around that letter, what is behind Paul's call for unity in the midst of differences, and how we decide whose differences we make space for and what "differences" we don't tolerate and why.
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Conflict resolution that protects the vulnerable rather than bolsters the powerful
Matthew 18:15-20
In this week's conversational sermon, Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community). talk about Matthew 18:15-20- Matthew's direction for conflict, why it is brilliant from a conflict resolution and abuse prevention standpoint, how the passages it is nested between give it rich and profound context, and how it can go wrong + good indicators you can look for that it might be being misused in an unhealthy way!
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Being Called and Being Called Out
Matthew 16:13-28
This conversational sermon is offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross Sameulson (Storyline Community). They get into Peter's rollercoaster ride of going from "rock of the church" to falling flat on his face in mere verses and how that echoes our own attempts to follow Jesus.
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A Good Kind of Trouble and Creative Disobedience
Exodus 1
This conversational sermon is offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Chruch) and Stori Long (Storyline Community). They discuss the creative disobedience of the midwives, the watchful eye of Miriam, and breaking rules to protect the life in front of you.
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Grumpy-Gills Jesus and the Persistence of the Canaanite Woman
Matthew 15:10-28
This conversational sermon is offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Chruch) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community) and they invite us to really lean into the humanity of Jesus as they dive into one of the more surprising interactions of Jesus with the Canaanite woman.
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The Invitation of Imagination
Matthew 14:13-21
This conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Chruch) and Stori Long (Storyline Community). They discuss the Feeding of the 5,000 and the reality that Jesus invites us to imagine even as we live in the tensions of our own reality. Because it's Jesse and Stori we also quote the late John Lewis, the Obamas, Walter Brueggemann, Master Yoda, and Tyrion Lannister.
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The Kingdom of God is Like...
Matthew 13
This conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Chruch) and Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community). They continue with the parables of Matthew, invite us into the snarky teaching of Jesus and the way Jesus invites us to imagine a different kind of Kingdom, plus they quote Master Yoda!
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1. Video Link
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July 19th, 2020 Conversation Sermon
7.19. 2020, Matthew 13:24-43
This conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Chruch) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community). They continue with the parables of Matthew, invite us into the snarky teaching of Jesus, problematic and traumatizing interpretations of these parables (and what we do with those), and the importance of reading the parables in the broader context of Jesus' whole ministry.
Planting Gardens & Reckless Optimism
7.12. 2020, Matthew 13:1-23
This conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Chruch) and Stori Long (Storyline Community). They talk about the disruptive purpose of the parables, rescuing Scripture from our rigid, dogmatic interpretations, and the optimistic love of the Sower, and what it means to throw seeds of love, empathy and compassion at all kinds of soil!
The Lens of Liberation: A Conversational Sermon with Rev. Lenny Duncan
7.5.2020, Matthew 10:40-42, Jeremiah 28:5-6
This is a powerful and convicting conversational sermon offered by Rev. Lenny Duncan and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community). They speak of the importance of deconstructing the white lens through which we view Scripture, the narrative of liberation throughout Scripture, and offer convicting (and freeing) advice on how to do the work, the willingness to fail, and the ability to keep moving forward.
The Undoing of Babylon and the Long Arc of Justice
6.7.2020, Matthew 10:40-42, Jeremiah 28:5-6
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community). They dive into the history of Israel and the truths this history reveals about our own current context, the uncomfortable work of listening to prophetic voices, choosing the prophetic truth over the comfortable lie, and the long, continual process of bringing about justice in our world.
"I've not come to bring peace, but a sword" (Eh?)
6.7.2020, Matthew 10:24-41
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Stori Long (Storyline Community). They dig into some of Jesus' loaded words around peace, harmony, and the cost of disrupting the status quo.
Context of the Disinherited
6.7.2020, Matthew 9:35-10:8
6.7.2020, Matthew 9:35-10:8
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Pastor Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community) where they speak to the profound truth that Jesus speaks to communities who are oppressed and the relational way he calls all people to join him in his kingdom work in their contexts.
Holy Trinity Sunday
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross Samuelson (Storyline Community) where they dive into the deep, subversiveness of Jesus' Kingdom and how the Great Commission calls us into that creative and expansive work.
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On Learning to let go of the Bike on Ascension Sunday
5.24.2020, John 17:1-19, Acts 1:1-11
5.24.2020, John 17:1-19, Acts 1:1-11
Mutual Love & Empowering Attachment
5.17.2020, John 14:15-24
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Anna Hoesly (Storyline Community). Here they discuss Jesus' invitation to love him, the power of that mutual love, and how Jesus advocates for us.
The Way, The Truth, & The Life (or Jesus telling the disciples to get out of their OWN way)
5.10.2020, John 14:1-14
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Stori Long (Storyline Community). Here they discuss what Jesus means when he claims to be the way, the truth and the life, how that scripture has been used (and misused), and Jesus empowering exhortation to those who follow him.
The Good Shepherd
5.3.2020, John 10:1-10
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community). Here they discuss the Story of the Good Shepherd, the sheep, the gate, and the fence-hoppers and challenge us to consider what role we play in that story.
5.3.2020, John 10:1-10
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Rev. Sara Gross-Samuelson (Storyline Community). Here they discuss the Story of the Good Shepherd, the sheep, the gate, and the fence-hoppers and challenge us to consider what role we play in that story.
On the Road to Emmaus
4.26.2020, Luke 24: 13-35
This is a 30 minute conversational sermon offered by Rev. Jesse Christopherson (Milwaukie Lutheran Church) and Stori Long (Storyline Community). Here we discuss the road to Emmaus and the importance of going on our own internal journey, and the importance of vulnerability and familiarity in making us brave enough to see ourselves and others as they are meant to be seen.
4.19.2020, John 20:19-31
A Thomas who gets us closer to the good stuff: Anna Hoesly, MFT and Rev. Jesse Christopherson
We talk a bit about the path of grief, the power of good questions to get us closer to the heart of things, and the way the stories after Easter give us a richer picture of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
A Thomas who gets us closer to the good stuff: Anna Hoesly, MFT and Rev. Jesse Christopherson
We talk a bit about the path of grief, the power of good questions to get us closer to the heart of things, and the way the stories after Easter give us a richer picture of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Switching Kings, Pandemics, and Psalms of Comfort: Rev. Sara Gross Samuelson and Rev. Jesse Christopherson
Content Note: Parents, Jesse and Sara do a deep dive on historical context, which includes some descriptions of rape and death.
Switching Kings, Pandemics, and Psalms of Comfort: Rev. Sara Gross Samuelson and Rev. Jesse Christopherson
Content Note: Parents, Jesse and Sara do a deep dive on historical context, which includes some descriptions of rape and death.
Can these bones live? Stori Long and Rev. Jesse Christopherson
Listen to hear every geeky, fantasy reference possible fit into a conversation about death and life.
Can these bones live? Stori Long and Rev. Jesse Christopherson
Listen to hear every geeky, fantasy reference possible fit into a conversation about death and life.