Our Values
Our Welcome
Storyline Community is a collective of humans from all over our neighborhoods. We make space for neighbors to know and meet the deep needs of their neighborhood. We make space for our stories to be connected … all our stories. Our stories of Christian faith. Our stories of being wounded by the church. Our stories of no faith at all. Our stories of lived inequity. Our stories of privilege. Our stories of love and loss. Our stories of addiction and recovery. Our stories of divorce. Our stories of birth and parenting and growing. Our stories of infertility. Our stories of coming out and being celebrated. Our stories of coming out and being rejected. Our stories of fear and our stories of hope. Storyline Community is a collective of humans whose stories matter.
So no matter your race, class, education, physical ability, age, citizenship status, sexual orientation or gender identity….Your story is welcome in our community. Your voice, your leadership, your experience and your body belong here and we seek to make space for your story to be heard, known and sacred.
The way we live our values
We know our neighbors and live life with them.
We immerse ourselves in the bedrock of the hopes, dreams and needs of our neighborhood. We look for the beauty and wisdom of our neighbors, and partner with them to take care of the community we share.
We empower the unseen and overlooked.
We are not centralized around a hierarchy or single figurehead. We believe there is power in the rich collective narrative and diverse voices around us. We strive to be a place where each and every person can find their voice and speak their story.
We run after something bigger than ourselves.
We invite people into the beauty of surrender. And into the practice of finding that still centered voice within each of us that grounds us and grows us. We live open to mystery and wonder.
We fight for relationships.
We engage in the daily practice of humanizing, connecting, and restoring the relationships in our path. This is reflected in how we work through conflicts, how we lead as a team, how we relate to our community, how we love our families, and even how we understand broken parts of ourselves.
We come as we are.
We are not a group of people who think or believe all the same things, and we like it that way. We all come with different convictions and questions, at different stages and seasons in our lives. That brings honesty, diversity, and openness to mystery that grows us all.
We believe that what we need is here.
We are part of a village in all of its messy, flawed, complicated beautiful glory. We are not called to run on fumes, we are called to take care of our bodies and souls, to breathe full deep breaths. We are called to receive care from others when we are running on empty, and to give to others when we have more than we need. And we find that among us, we have what our village needs.
“I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30.
We immerse ourselves in the bedrock of the hopes, dreams and needs of our neighborhood. We look for the beauty and wisdom of our neighbors, and partner with them to take care of the community we share.
We empower the unseen and overlooked.
We are not centralized around a hierarchy or single figurehead. We believe there is power in the rich collective narrative and diverse voices around us. We strive to be a place where each and every person can find their voice and speak their story.
We run after something bigger than ourselves.
We invite people into the beauty of surrender. And into the practice of finding that still centered voice within each of us that grounds us and grows us. We live open to mystery and wonder.
We fight for relationships.
We engage in the daily practice of humanizing, connecting, and restoring the relationships in our path. This is reflected in how we work through conflicts, how we lead as a team, how we relate to our community, how we love our families, and even how we understand broken parts of ourselves.
We come as we are.
We are not a group of people who think or believe all the same things, and we like it that way. We all come with different convictions and questions, at different stages and seasons in our lives. That brings honesty, diversity, and openness to mystery that grows us all.
We believe that what we need is here.
We are part of a village in all of its messy, flawed, complicated beautiful glory. We are not called to run on fumes, we are called to take care of our bodies and souls, to breathe full deep breaths. We are called to receive care from others when we are running on empty, and to give to others when we have more than we need. And we find that among us, we have what our village needs.
“I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30.