Lent is the time that the ancient church set apart for getting ready for the mystery of Easter Sunday. Easter and the story of Jesus’ resurrection is such a big mystery that we have to take time to get ready for it. We mark the season of Lent for 40 days… or 6 weeks. 40 days is symbolic of Jesus’ time in the wilderness after his baptism, which was symbolic of the number of years the people of God in the Hebrew bible wandered in the dessert before finally coming into the promised land. We take time during the season of Lent to be in a Wilderness space…. A space set apart that looks and feels different than the rest of our day to day lives. Kind of like how when we go on a hike, or to the beach, or spend time in the mountains it feels different. We engage new disciplines during Lent to turn ourselves back towards our spiritual and physical roots. Storyline has curated three Lenten practices that offer options to choose from this Lenten season. Click on any of the links below to link to the full practice! #1: The Purple Practice of WaitingA 5-minute kid-friendly Lenten Activity This very simple water-based activity only takes 5 minutes, and yet it has science-based legs... that will ground your family in good stuff over the next 40 days! #2: The Pantry Practice of GivingThis is a simple non-time consuming practice of giving that you can engage in daily with your family using just what's in your pantry! #3: A Plastic-Free LentThere's a movement this Lent amongst many churches to step up to the challenge of a plastic-free Lent. Join the movement with this guide for daily reflection and action!
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