Fall 2023 Season: Crowded Table
Before the Bible, before we buildings to meet in and songs to sing and pulpits to preach from, the early church gathered around sacred practice, a rhythm of a shared meal where community, justice, and the story of Jesus was told, over and over again. This simple practice was an early and central tenet of the early Christians and one that churches all around the world and all across time have particpated in. But, for many of us, this practice is weighted with uncertainty, with anxiety, with confusion. Some of us have practiced communion in an open and expansive ways and others were taught there were strict rules around who could serve it and who could partake. So, in this season of Crowded Table, we will be naming, membering, and remembering the story we tell at the communion table; why it matters to who we are, who we’ve been, and where we are going, and our images of the table shape how we see ourselves, our neighbors, and God.
Fall Gathering Schedule
Sept. 24th| Sabbath Sunday- No Gathering
Oct. 1st | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Oct. 8th | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Oct. 15th | 10 am - Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Oct. 22nd | 10 am - Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 October 29th| Sabbath Sunday- No Gathering Nov. 5th | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Nov. 12th | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Nov. 19th | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Nov. 26th | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 |