Once again we find ourselves on the verge of a Holy Week that a year ago we would never have imagined. We have experienced loss and grief and change, but we continue to hold those things in community, and once again, our Holy Week will be done in community. If your soul needs the bread and wine and memory of Maundy Thursday, the space of feeling the loss and death and tears of Good Friday, the threshold and anxious waiting of Holy Saturday, or the celebration and resurrection of Easter Sunday, there is a place for you in any of the following places:
Our liberation is ALWAYS tied up with the liberation of others. Jesus embodied this truth on Palm Sunday as the people gathered in public protest to hail his entry and give their voice and their palms to speak truth to power. Come celebrate this moment with Storyline at our Gathering on Sunday at 10:00am.
Anytime this week | HOLY WEEK NATURE WALK
Go on a Holy Week Adventure together and breathe in the sacred ground all around us! Click the image below.
1) Join Milwaukie Lutheran for a Tenebrae service that sits in the quiet of loss - anytime Friday evening on Facebook. ---------------------- 2) OR explore the stations of the cross coloring sheets for a quiet moment of your own. Read through the stations and choose one to meditate over as you color.
*These meditations provided by Illustrated Ministry for use by Storyline Community only. Click here to purchase for your own community.
7:00pm: Storyline Community offers an intergenerational and interactive Easter Vigil Gathering. We gather (virtually) in the dark before Easter sunrise + celebrate together as we wait for dawn- grounded in the ancient elements of fire, stories, water and light. Click here for more info!
All welcome to join whichever space fits for you! Oak Grove UMC: 10:30am- Worship on FB Livestream St. Paul's United Methodist: 10:30am- Worship via Zoom Storyline Community: If you are looking for a quiet space around your kitchen table and the dawn of the sunrise of a new Easter day, this simple take home for all ages, is for you. Take a moment to breathe in the morning and claim words of defiant hope.