Simple Handmade Love for Mom
Just a reminder for dads and partners of moms! Schools often aid them in creating something handmade for mother's day. That may not be happening this year in the same way , depending on where your kids are at in reentering school. So here are some simple but meaningful ways to fill that gap!
A Card of Love
This is a very simple printable card that a kiddo can fill in and color, that will melt a mom's heart. If you have a kiddo too young to write, keep it simple. Any work from a child's hand to mom is genuinely precious! Hand them a piece of paper folded in half and let them go to town with some crayons to create art on their card for mom. Or trace a hand or foot! Inside, transcribe any words they are able to give about mama! Even just... "mama". And write Love, CHILD'S NAME |
What I love about you: An appreciation fill-in-the-blank
This is a sort of a mad-lib of appreciation. It is easy to fill in and genuinely works for all ages. If you are an adult or older child and want a whimsical and simple way to charm mom, this is actually really fun. Or, you can interview a very young one to see what kind of interesting things come out of their mouths to fill in the blanks. I (Anna) still read and treasure mine from years ago.
*If you are gathering to honor a mom who is no longer with you, this is a fun way to go around the table and remember and honor who they were in your life. |
dont_settle_for_less.__6_.pdf |
What I love about you: A simple meal-time "game"
At some meal time today, go around a circle saying things you love about mom or about whoever has has been a mothering influence in your life. You might see if you can get to some number together like 15! Keep going until you run out and then toast to mom. (A note from Anna: My grade school aged kids get really excited about this game, especially when they are assigned arbitrary points for their contributions. I don't know why. It started on accident as a joke but then became one of their favorite games. Like... "I love when mom wakes me up in the morning". 126 points. SCORE. )