A Community Collective
What We Do
Clackamas Land and Housing Cohort
The Housing Highway
Community Organizing 101
SE PDX Youth Collective
A Community of Faith
What is Our Sunday Gathering like?
Schedule + Rhythms: Epiphany 2025
Sermon Bibliography
The Naked Sermon Podcast
Our Story
Our Values and Welcome
Our Team
Our Financial Values and Practices
Neighborhood Mutual Aid
Stay in the know!
Coffee with a leader
Group Registration
Indicates required field
Who is registering for the group?
Group Name
Email of main group contact
We will only text or call you regarding participant information about the class. We will not share your contact information with anyone.
Phone Number
We will only send you participant information about the project. We will not share your contact information with anyone.
Facebook username (optional)
This enables us to invite you to a facebook group which will contain the most current information during the course of the training.
How many in your group?
List names and any dietary restrictions of those in your group
Will anyone in your group need childcare?
List names, ages, and dietary restrictions of any children
Would you or anyone in your group benefit from translation services?
Yes, please.
If yes, what is the primary language of those needing translation?
How would you like to pay the registration fee ($20 per person OR $60 total for the group).
I'd like to pay now, please! (Just follow the instructions on the confirmation page).
I'd like to pay at the event. (We accept cash or checks!)
I'd like to inquire about a scholarship for one or more of our group members.
We are fortunate to have generous donors who have covered the cost of our speakers, translators, childcare, and administrative costs, because they want to invest in the power of our community! The registration serves to supplement the cost of dinner for our participants.
I would like you to make it easy for me to invite others in my community or organization. (Choose all that apply).
Yes! Please send me a flyer that I can post or email to others.
Yes! Please tag me on social media posts so I can share easily without added work!
No, thanks!
A Community Collective
What We Do
Clackamas Land and Housing Cohort
The Housing Highway
Community Organizing 101
SE PDX Youth Collective
A Community of Faith
What is Our Sunday Gathering like?
Schedule + Rhythms: Epiphany 2025
Sermon Bibliography
The Naked Sermon Podcast
Our Story
Our Values and Welcome
Our Team
Our Financial Values and Practices
Neighborhood Mutual Aid
Stay in the know!
Coffee with a leader