For Lent, we will be looking at sustainable cycles of repentance and restoration; death and resurrection; work that is baked into the very essence of our journey as humans.
We will be collaborating with some of our partners in faith community to explore how we as individuals and as communities re:Lent of the hold that white supremacy has on our souls. |
Alongside our Gatherings, we will be taking this work of re:Lent even deeper as we go through the very challenging material in the book, Me and White Supremacy. This will be a shared Lenten study, but we are intentionally using our small group time so that application and exploration of the material can be done in our respective faith communities so that we can uniquely respond to the material and go as deep as each group needs.
While not required, we HIGHLY recommend that EVERYONE read the book and/or do the journal to go deeper into the material. You can do this at your pace and it doesn't have to "line up" with where we are in the study. If cost is an issue, let us know in the registration. |
As we are doing in our Lenten Book Study, our playlist will be centering the voices of Black artists as they gave voice to their joy, creativity, happiness, pain, grief, and triumph.
Lent Gathering Schedule
We have a lot of exciting, life-giving, and kid-friendly Gatherings, and resources planned for you throughout this Advent Season! And we want to help you keep them all straight, because, well, we know how crazy our schedules can get around this time!
Lent Gathering- Re:alize
Repentance begins when we first realize what is right in front of us. There are signs before us pointing us to The Way of repentance and love…. Rainbows, relationships, and even temptations help us realize the systems that we’re living in and the people to whom we are committed to. You will find the regular Zoom info here! |
FEB. 28TH, @ 10am
Lent Gathering- re:cognize
“To know again” “ To know anew”. Sometimes we need to give things, people, ourselves, our systems the right name. The name that fits the current space we find ourselves in. We need to recognize and know again what is happening in our lives and habits and name it. Denying “ourselves” is not a magic etch-a-sketch…. It’s a re-cognition. Knowing ourselves in the eyes of both God and others. You will find the regular Zoom info here! |
SUNDAY MARCH 14th @ 10 am
Lent Gathering- re:member
We need reminders. Because we forget. We need symbols to remind us who we are and whose we are. “Put back together” is more than a mental exercise. When we get infected with the “snakebite”, we have to walk ourselves to the symbol that points us to what “this” is and be reminded how we got here in the first place. Not just our belovedness but our brokenness too. We need to put our WHOLE selves back together daily in order to keep ourselves from stepping back into the space of sin and condemnation once more. You will find the regular Zoom info here! |
SUNDAY MARCH 21st @ 10 am
Lent Gathering- re:pair
Repair inevitably means a letting go of old things. When we go to repair things around our house it often involves replacing old things. Repairing a deck means replacing and removing rotten deck boards. By the time we are at the stage of “repair” we’ve already done a lot of work! So what is this threshold space behold for us? What does it mean for us to let go and allow that single grain to bear fruit? What is the rest of everything we need to let go of in order to repair our relationship with our BIPOC neighbors? What systems are being replaced in this repair work? “The days are surely coming”. We’ve already done the work of knowing that a new covenant is needed. Now what? You will find the Zoom info for our listening Sundays here! |
MONDAY MARCH 28th, 10 am
Palm Sunday- re:align
Palm Sunday and the triumphal entry narrative into Jerusalem presents itself as a symbolic invitation to re:align allegiances with a story beyond the system of empire. Beyond economic schism. Beyond false divisions. In turning out and showing up to the moment of witnessing the entry into the city, we are moving our bodies into the space of bearing witness to a shift in our world. We are showing up to the shift in power with our whole selves. The cries of “Hosanna!” echo our deepest desires to join in to a movement we are ready to step into. We have to put ourselves in the space of that public protest in order to get a sense for the cycle of repenting of the evils of empire. You will find the Zoom info for our listening Sundays here! |