Advent 2024
“We are beginning to understand that the world is always being made fresh and never finished; that activism can be the journey rather than the arrival; that struggle doesn't always have to be confrontational but can take the form of reaching out to find common ground with the many others in our society who are also seeking ways out from alienation, isolation, privatization, and dehumanization by corporate globalization.” - The Next American Revolution, Grace Lee Boggs
Over the last few months, we have engaged with stories about how folks across history have been radicalized by their faith to orient in different ways toward justice, compassion, and love for their neighbor. And baked into this is the story of Advent, the story born of people living under and resisting the oppressive forces of Empire. Advent is a time of waiting, a waiting for liberation and hoping for an end to Empire. During this season, we will explore what antidoes to Empire that Advent may be offering, that we often too busy, too over-booked, or too distracted in this season to notice and consider what it means for us to see hope, peace, joy, and love as tools of resilience and resistance.
Over the last few months, we have engaged with stories about how folks across history have been radicalized by their faith to orient in different ways toward justice, compassion, and love for their neighbor. And baked into this is the story of Advent, the story born of people living under and resisting the oppressive forces of Empire. Advent is a time of waiting, a waiting for liberation and hoping for an end to Empire. During this season, we will explore what antidoes to Empire that Advent may be offering, that we often too busy, too over-booked, or too distracted in this season to notice and consider what it means for us to see hope, peace, joy, and love as tools of resilience and resistance.
Advent Gathering Schedule
Dec. 1st | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222
Dec. 8th| 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Dec. 15th | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Dec. 22nd | 10 am- Gathering @ Chapel Theater - 4107 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Dec. 24th | Christmas Eve Gathering Dec. 29th | Sabbath Sunday |